My Annual Report in My Consumer Lingo? Possible! Quint Digital Media Limited Annual Report 2021-22

How often we come across the fix to fix the gap between communication language and that of the respective target audience group (TG). Defining TG is the pre-requisite to any communication brief and so is it desirable in the end product. Annual Reports have a very diverse target audience group spread across Promoters, Institutional Investors, Bankers, Lenders, Retail Investors, Government Authorities, Future Business Partners, Future Management Leaders and customers too. However, being in fast paced, technology-driven, futuristic and young customer embraced business, could we attempt to talk in customers’ lingo (language).

Project Synopsis

Quint Digital Media Limited appreciated the idea of talking in visual and textual language of its customers and their product – quick mobile-first news. Though, adopting this idea happened post a grueling evaluation of this communication route and exploration of other alternate routes. The result was a strikingly different, young and disruptive visual lingo.

Project Highlights
  • Embracing the communication language or end consumer and end product – young, adventurous, enthralling, ambitions and quirky.
  • A different from league visual and textual lingo that took up animation style with striking colour contrasts
  • A highly appreciative, courageous, insightful and vigilant client with an eye for minutest details
  • Delivered the project under tight timelines, on time
  • A great teamwork from client SPOC and agency SPOC to bring divergent team members together for an impactful project, on time
Project Deliverables
Corporate Reporting.
Portfolio Insights.